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I just finished a great article for Gamedevtuts+ that helps those looking to develop their first video game but don’t know where to start. The article describes the process of game development using a “video game walkthrough” approach, using a level system for each stage of development, with each level having encounters and boss fights.
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In the fifth and final tutorial of the Galaxian Style HTML5 game series, we’ll be finishing up the game by adding details such as player score, a game over screen, infinite enemy waves, and HTML5 audio. We’ll also discuss things you can do on your own to improve the game.
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In the fourth tutorial of the Galaxian Style HTML5 game series, we’ll be learning about handling collision detection in 2D space and making the bullets hit and destroy ships.
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In the third installment of the Galaxian Style HTML5 game series, we’ll be learning about how to add enemies to our game using the same techniques we learned about in the previous article.
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In this second installment of the Galaxian Style HTML5 game series (which has been a long time coming), I’ll be showing you how to create movement on the canvas by using techniques such as dirty rectangles, multiple canvases, and object pools. So sit back, relax, and let’s get to it!
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