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In this last tutorial on making an Endless Runner style game, we’ll discuss the different approaches for making our games user interface (UI), the pros and cons to each approach, and then finish by creating the UI for our game and adding music.
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When I was in college I created a game development club to bring together the various game developers, artists, and composers from across the campus. The focus of the club was to push everyone to make a game each month for the three months we would me. Doing so would help everyone not only learn what it takes to make a game, but also allow to have games that they could show off instead of just concepts and partial games.
I’ve decided to release the slides and resources that I used in the club so that others can learn from them. Most of the information found in the slides are quotes and summaries taken from various articles from other game developers. Feel free to use the slides in your own groups/clubs.
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The HTLM5 JavaScript Game Asset Manager is a small, stand-alone library that makes it easy to load and manage the asset for your HTML5 game.
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In the previous tutorial we learned about the Module Pattern and how to create modules to help organize and simplify our code. In this tutorial, we’ll use prototypal inheritance to create modules that share a common set of code which will add to the organization and simplicity our code.
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I received an email the other day from one of our readers asking a few questions on how to learn game development. The questions are ones that I’m sure other developers have asked who are just getting their feet wet in game development, so I thought it would be a good idea to post the questions and my responses so that others may benefit.
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