The first game I created using HTML5. It was inspired by the 1979 arcade game of the same name. The game makes use of advanced game techniques such as object pools and quadtrees.Play the game

A simple game of Tic-tac-toe against a computer opponent. The game was a case study for AI decision trees. The AI uses an AB Negamax game tree algorithm to determine it’s moves.Play the game

Made as an easter egg 404 page for the site. It was inspired by the 1976 arcade game of the same name. Play the game

A turn based strategy game against a computer opponent. The AI uses an A* pathfinding algorithm to move and an AB Negascout game tree algorithm to perform an action.Play the game

Kandi Runner
Made in only one month. It was made for gamedevelopment.tutsplus.com for an article on Spritesheet animation. It was inspired by the 2009 game Canabalt.Play the game

Candy Saga
Made in only one month, the game was inspired by the 1982 puzzle game Sokoban and was a case study in teaching game mechanics through gameplay and level design without a tutorial.Play the game

Made in only 8 hours and inspired by the 1983 NES game of the same name. Was made to be a ridiculously hard side scroller and uses Eller’s algorithm to generate an infinite maze in linear time.Play the game